The Under Armour Charged Rogue Running Shoes are great for runners that are looking for cushioning and support. These shoes have an engineered mesh upper that makes them lightweight and breathable while providing support where runners need it. The Charged Cushioning midsole uses a compression molded foam that provides optimal cushioning and energy return and the comfort sockliner adds to the comfort and response in this shoe. A solid rubber outsole makes these shoes highly durable and there is also 360 degree reflectivity that will keep you visible during low light runs.
- Flexible, Cushioned and Versatile
- Engineered Mesh Upper
- Ligtweight, External Heel Counter for Added Support
- Charged Cushioning Midsole
- Removable, Comfort Sockliner
- Solid Rubber Outsole
- 360 Degree Reflectivity for Increased Visibility
- Model Number: 3021247-002
Item# 13707